Thursday 9 June 2011

A Guide To Issuing A Poker Bankroll

The whole process of issuing a talented player with a poker bankroll is gaining some steam as online poker reaches thousands of new players a week. Yet this is not a risk that can be taken by everyone. After all, the person laying the money on the line is taking a chance as the player has to invest no money of his/her own. However, those who have the courage and financial clout to take this risk could be rewarded handsomely.

Risk Management
Even if the player or players being staked are proven winners, a staking company must exercise caution when issuing a poker bankroll. Even the very best poker players experience long periods where nothing they do is right and heavy losses are the result. Although skilful players will always win more in the long run, poker is still a game of chance. This means a staking company cannot afford to pile most of their budget on a single player. Make sure you pick several different players to spread the risk. Investing in poker players is really like speculating on the stock market. Some days your investments will pay off, other days they will be a disaster.

This means that prudent poker bankroll management must be exercised. It is common practice to agree a certain daily allowance with each player. Analyze how much money you can afford to stake and the number of players who will receive the cash. Set the daily limit at a rate where you will be able to replenish the cash supply of each player at least a few times. There is no use only staking them for a day or two when the poker Gods are so fickle. Even great players need a certain period of time for their skills to bear fruit.

Clearly, the internet is a place filled with charlatans and scammers so never take an applicant's words at face value. When given the opportunity to receive a free poker bankroll, most players will greatly exaggerate their skills. Make sure you do some research on sites like Poker Table Ratings which track the statistics of online players. This is a quick and easy way to verify an individual's story. It is also important to look at their previous betting history to make sure they are not suddenly increasing the stakes with your money.

Legal Matters
Draw up a tight contract which clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the poker bankroll. For example, you need to establish a daily/weekly/monthly limit as well as the split arrangement. This ensures that there is no confusion later with the player fully aware of their responsibilities as well as what they can hope to gain from the agreement. Not creating a contract leaves you open to all sorts of difficulties such as players who take liberties with your money.

There is no better feeling than seeing money come in from poker games you didn't even have to play. Offering a poker bankroll to capable players in order to generate a profit is becoming a popular investment. Those putting up the money would be well advised to control the amount they risk, research potential recruits and create a contract for players to sign.

If you'd like to know moare about poker bankroll and how to become a sponsored poker player then please visit

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